Itching and Open Wounds from Scratching

Care Giving

TESTIMONY – My name is Naomi from Springs in Gauteng. l am a caregiver and friend to an elderly man at the beautiful rich age of 77.

He broke his leg appriximately 2 years ago and has a metal plate to keep his leg from the knee downwards together. He scratched his leg and some of the skin came of. It became an open wound of 2 x 3 cm.

l started treating the wound with Phrasal on gause. The rest if the little sores was also treated.

It is amazing that over a period of 4 to 5 days, the skin started growing back over the wound and the little sores started to disappear. The skin is now healed and the sores are gone.

l do recommend this Phrasal with confidence … it is a blessing to have it in our home.

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